Yoga Therapy
Yoga and Ayurveda are two branches of the same great Vedic tree, which is why they complement each other so well. While Ayurveda is the system developed for healing the imbalances of the body, Yoga is the system of spiritual practice designed to heal the imbalances of the mind. A consistent yoga practice brings with it ease in our physical body and peace in our mind-body. A trained Yoga Therapist blends anatomy, breathing practices (pranayama), meditation, and philosophy to design a program specifically suited to your individual needs.
“When I needed advice and counseling in regard to my physical well-being, I did not hesitate to consult Lisa. She listens well, offers sensible remedies, and above all, has a knowledge of anatomy. She has helped me tremendously with a variety of physical issues.”
You will walk away empowered with tools, the confidence to use them, and homework to practice/implement between visits.
Online Streaming Private Sessions
Customized Private Yoga Sessions
Online Group Classes and Workshops
Special Events
December 21, 2020 – Winter Solstice: Slow & Low
January 1, 2021 – New Year’s Day: Resolve to Evolve
Ongoing Series
Sunday Series
Sunday Yoga Practice
Thursday Night Restorative Yoga
Ayurvedic Applications for the Yoga Professional
Cancellations and Closings. If you must cancel, please do so at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Otherwise, the appointment will be forfeited, and you will be responsible for standard session fees. If Tulsa and/or Wagoner Public schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Copper Cup Ayurveda office will be closed as well and all appointments will be rescheduled as soon as possible.